Collaborative Work Management

Dealing with multiple applications to keep track of tasks is a daily struggle for Susan. As a senior supervisor who oversees numerous workers and projects, most of Susan’s time is spent approving requests, tracking the progress of tasks, coordinating with vendors, creating reports and taking critical decisions based on the information at hand. 

With information scattered across different applications, she ends up spending most of her time tracking down the information and making sure everyone working on her team has access to it. Supervisors like Susan who manage immense administrative and managerial workload spread across multiple applications must streamline the people and processes into one single unified workbench to ensure high productivity. 

For Susan, it is essential to find a tool that helps her to track and execute all her tasks quickly and easily. She tried various solutions like Outlook, Slack, Zoom and more, all of which gave her certain benefits but were missing others. When looking for a comprehensive solution that could fit in all her business needs Susan found the application suite of Cherrywork Intelligent Task Management (ITM). This collaborative work management consolidates variety of tasks in a single location making it easier for her to access relevant information and get work done. 

Here are some of the benefits that Susan reaped from the Cherrywork Intelligent Task Management, and so can you: 

  •  Better visibility and transparency

Staying updated with latest progress in numerous projects that her team is working on is an integral part of Susan’s daily work routine. ITM gives her high visibility and transparency across different projects leading to higher productivity. Tracking work details and getting real-time updates of the project has become easy.

  • Simplifying processes

Before ITM, Susan had to open a different application for every process. Dealing with information spread in different places, know what was happening with each, how to have her team co-ordinate with the latest updates was all becoming very complicated. Leveraging the benefits of the ITM consolidated tool she can now complete work without the hassle of dealing with workflows spread across different systems. She is able to effortlessly overcome operational challenges and enhance efficiency.

  •  Better time utilization

With the ITM comprehensive work management tool, Susan is able to utilise her time in a much more efficient manner. By eliminating the need to keep switching between multiple applications, she gets to spend more time focusing on making important decisions and problem-solving because the intelligent system provides the insights relevant to her in just a few clicks.

  •  Improved productivity

Having all the information she needs in one place meant that the transition from data to intelligent insight to action happened quickly, boosting Susan’s performance. Her team gets to pitch in quickly when a decision is to be made making sure any hiccups in the projects are easily dealt with. As a result, the team collaborates and functions with high efficiency and delivers higher productivity than they before.

  •  Accelerated decision making

ITM puts together prioritized and relevant information together with an easy to understand visualization. It’s easy for Susan to now get an overall picture of what’s happening with all the tasks she has and make decisions on them. The powerful analytics dashboard makes sure no insights are missed and all tasks can be tracked in real time. Susan easily generates reports for her superiors that helps them understand the status of projects based on KPIs and are able to chart out what course to take for the future based on the quick bites of information.

Collaborative work management tool comes packed with benefits and proves useful to businesses for better management and easy collaboration. Susan has found the best way to make sure all her tasks are completed quickly and efficiently. Her evolved approach towards project and task management has led to better and improved results.

Would you like to do the same for your organization? If yes, then

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Intelligent Task Management

