Welcome to Cherrywork Smart Warehouse 2.0! Guided tour to receiving goods against a PO document

Click on the ‘Goods Receiving’ icon from the launchpad to navigate to the landing page of the GR

operator can capture the
document data by entering it manually into the fields or by scanning using camera/laser. Alternatively,
select from the list open POs tab

operator can view all open POs
to be received, the operator then selects single/multiple POs to receive to proceed further with the
details screen to key in the necessary data
Click on the checkbox for deliveries you want to receive
Click on the checkbox for deliveries you want to receive

Click on

operator will be landed
to the details page that gives a complete view of the selected POs and their associated line items
with various filter options including automation features like ‘Auto Putaway’.

Operator can enter the
data manually or by using the scanning feature.
Click on the scan button next to the ‘Received Quantity’ field to scan the received quantity.
Click on the scan button next to the ‘Received Quantity’ field to scan the received quantity.

operator scans the
quantity against a Barcode/OCR/RFID tag.
Click on next to scan the barcode.
Click on next to scan the barcode.

Click on
‘Add Items’ button to
receive the scanned partial quantity

A clear
warning appears on the
screen for items where the serial number must be selected.
Click on the ‘Add Serial Number’ to select from the list of available serial numbers.
Click on the ‘Add Serial Number’ to select from the list of available serial numbers.

List of
available serial numbers in
the system are displayed, and you can select the number of serials as per the received quantity.

Click on
the checkbox to select a
serial number

Click on
‘Add Items’ to proceed

Save time
and effort by using the
'Auto Putaway' feature. Simply click the button during goods receipt to automatically create and process
the Putaway transaction for that specific delivery.

You can add
attachments and comments
to specific line items and at the PO level

Click on
the checkbox ensuring all
the necessary data is updated

‘Confirm’ button should be
enable once the checkbox is selected indicating that all the warnings are cleared with the mandatory
fields are validated green, the operator can proceed to receive partial delivery by clicking on
‘Confirm’ button to post only the selected deliveries

A pop-up
appears to confirm that the
selected deliveries line items within the PO will be posted

A success
pop-up indicating the
clear status of the posted delivery and a warehouse task is created for further movement