Cherrywork Logo 2022_(Original) Red in white BG

Building a strong data strategy and architecture is crucial for aligning your business objectives, maximizing the value of your data, and preparing for future opportunities like Analytics, Data Governance, Machine Learning, and more. Join our webinar to gain insights and best practices for developing a comprehensive strategy for both your SAP and non-SAP data.

Key Highlights:

cherrywork_checked SAP’s Data Fabric Strategy: Understand how SAP integrates data management to support business goals.

cherrywork_checked Customer Challenges: Learn solutions for data growth, curation, harmonization, and governance.

cherrywork_checked SAP Datasphere: Discover how SAP Datasphere enhances your data strategy and solves common issues.

cherrywork_checked Data Governance: Explore best practices for managing data quality and compliance across SAP and non-SAP systems.

cherrywork_checked Success Stories: Hear real-world examples and solutions from Incture to support your data initiatives.


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