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Streamline Core Maintenance with AI-Driven Efficiency

Simplify maintenance workflows with an intuitive interface for managing notifications, work orders, and AI-powered planning. Easily track equipment, spare parts, and calibration reports, while leveraging analytics and checklists to enhance productivity, accuracy, and compliance
Murphy Oil

Transform maintenance operations with Cherrywork Core Maintenance solution

The Cherrywork Core Maintenance module automates key processes, optimizing workflows, tracking assets in real-time, and offering actionable insights for improved productivity, reduced downtime, and enhanced asset reliability.

How does Cherrywork Core Maintenance help

01_Work Automation
Notification & Work Order Management
Simplifies creation, editing, and tracking of notifications and work orders, ensuring efficient task handling.
02_Configurable Dashboard
AI-Powered Planning
Leverages AI to optimize maintenance schedules and automate task prioritization, improving overall operational efficiency.
03_Task Collaboration
Preventive Maintenance Management
Supports scheduled maintenance tasks, ensuring assets are proactively maintained to prevent unplanned downtime.
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Asset & Equipment Tracking
Real-time tracking of assets, equipment, and spare parts, with barcode scanning for easy inventory management.
01_Work Automation
Calibration Management
Manages equipment calibration, generating reports and ensuring compliance with calibration schedules.
02_Configurable Dashboard
Analytics & Reporting
Provides actionable insights through summary reports and analytics, enabling data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.
03_Task Collaboration
Skill Management:
Assigns skills to maintenance tasks, ensuring the right technician is assigned based on qualifications and availability.
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Integrated Checklist Management
Facilitates checklist creation and management for equipment and maintenance activities, ensuring thorough inspections and compliance.
04_Remote Approvals
User-Friendly Interface
Intuitive interface for both field and shop floor teams, improving adoption and reducing training time.
05_Business Rules
Mobile Accessibility:
Mobile-first design for on-the-go access, enabling work order execution and maintenance activity management in offline and online modes.

Key features of Cherrywork Intelligent Maintenance and Operations

        Notification & Work Order Management
        AI-Powered Planning
         Preventive Maintenance Management
         Asset & Equipment Tracking
         Calibration Management:
         Permit for Safety
         Digital Twin & Predictive Maintenance


Ready for a tailored quote designed specifically for your business?

Cherrywork subscription model enables you to gain access to robust features, insightful analytics, and the flexibility to customize functionalities according to your organization’s distinct requirements.


Intelligent Task Management

