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Intelligent Usage Analytics

Gain Visibility of your SAP BTP Services Consumption
Intelligent Price Management

Cherrywork®️ Intelligent Usage Analytics tool enables you to easily obtain a complete breakdown of service consumption and subaccounts throughout the duration of the contract. You gain more control over your data for resource planning and cross billing purposes with features like usage analytics tracking, dashboard, alerts & notifications, and consumption tracking

Key Capabilities

Better visibility
Usage monitoring
Detailed cost monitoring
Comprehensive analytics

Enhance Process, Performance and Efficiency

Unified view of organizational BTP consumption

View your entire organizational consumption of SAP BTP services in one place.


User-friendly dashboards help summarize your organizational consumption of SAP BTP services and their incurred cost. Have your entire usage summary and cost incurred at your fingertips.

Visualize your organization structure better

View the entire breakdown of how the SAP BTP account is split in your organization.

Hierarchy tree

Visualize how a global account is split into directories and then into sub-accounts in the form of a hierarchy tree. The hierarchy tree shows the cost incurred by each of these accounts at a glance.

Track your usage better

Get alerts when consumption of services reaches the limits set.

Alerts and notifications

Use alerts to track the consumption of services across subaccounts, directories, and global accounts. Alerts can be set based on the number of units consumed, cost incurred, and credits consumed by these accounts.

Gain better control over your SAP BTP budget

Better visibility and better control go hand in hand.

Service level consumption

Get a service level consumption tracking by seeing each unit that is being spent by all accounts.

We bring data to you

Get a monthly email that summarizes the metrics that matters the most to you.

Monthly report

Receive a monthly report of your spending and credits used. Key metrics such as credit balance and highest budget-consuming accounts are also highlighted.


Manage and maximize your Online Reputation at Scale


Intelligent Task Management

