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Cherrywork®️ Permit to Work helps create and manage work permits to authorize jobs that involve hazards at a work site. The application identifies hazards, supports necessary preparation for the job, ensures safe operation, and improves communication among teams. Permit to Work complements SAP Work Clearance Management and integrates with key EHS applications.

Key Capabilities​

Visibility to real-time tracking
job safety
Integrate with job safety analysis
work permit
Hassle-free work permit issuance
configurable work
Configurable work types
Visibility to real-time tracking
job safety
Integrate with job safety analysis
work permit
Hassle-free work permit issuance
configurable work
Configurable work types

Efficiently manage permit to work process​

Reduce admin time and effort to manage permits

From a single centralized location,workers can see critical information such as job description, persons involved, personal responsibilities, present hazards, present controls, action plans and event toolbox talks.

centralized worker safety solution images

Centralized worker safety solution

Identify, account for and mitigate job-related risks via permits with a centralized and intuitive interface that integrates with key EHS applications.

Add People to JSA

Implement your own procedures and rules of safe work

Modify work permit based on user role including specific work activities like potential hazards, high-risk work activities, mechanical and electrical safety checks or a job role which require safety. 

custom templates Logo

Custom templates  

Configure the application to implement your own procedures and business rules for safe work, or easily adopt one of the many industry templates available. 

Gain real-time visibility into the status of work permit across teams

Enables task planning and risk management with transparent communication between applicant and the approval teams.

automated workflow images

Automated workflow

Helps streamline workflows, communication and keeps stakeholders informed. Track ongoing permit status in real-time and approve/reject permits on mobile.

Permit to Work

Permit to Work
Is it for you?​

Intelligent Task Management helped Murphy Oil Corporation, a petroleum and gas exploration company, reduce process cycle time by 60%

Case study



Intelligent Task Management

