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In the highly competitive business environment, presently the companies are under tremendous pressure to make their operations more efficient and increase efficiency, especially in the areas like accounts payable (AP). Today, Robotic Process Automation has become a common choice for automating the repetitive tasks, thus, automation technologies have been of great import in making the AP processes more efficient over the years. Nevertheless, as businesses become global, complexities seep in and thus seek more thorough solutions to tackle the AP difficulties. Here comes, intelligent automation, using the AI and ML to deliver the strategic value. In this blog, we review the evolution of AP automation, the drawbacks of RPA, and the transformation capabilities of intelligent automation in enhancing efficiency and strategic value for businesses. 

Understanding Robotic Process Automation (RPA): 

RPA is a new technology that allows businesses to automate the routine tasks by employing the software bots. These bots copy human actions to perform processes faster, more accurately and without the need for human intervention. The inception of RPA in AP was due to the requirement of the removal of the manual, time-consuming tasks like the data copying and pasting between systems. At the beginning, RPA had a hard time with simple tasks that could be done by the rules and instructions that were predefined and it offered limited flexibility and scalability. 

The Limitations of RPA: 

Although RPA gave the initial efficiency advantages, its limitations were revealed when organizations tried to solve more complicated AP problems. The dependence of RPA on predefined rules and structured data restricted its capacity to adjust to the changing situations and to deal with unstructured data efficiently. In addition, RPA did not have the cognitive abilities needed for complex decision-making, thus the gaps in AP automation were not filled. ed. With the evolution and increase of the AP processes’ complexity, the businesses needed more powerful automation solutions. 

Advancements in AP Automation: 

As organizations started to appreciate the necessity of a more complete automation processes, inventions in technology made it possible to create innovative solutions for AP automation. The invention of technologies such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR) had a great impact on AP processes by digitizing the necessary data from financial documents, thus, the manual keying was done away with and automation at scale was achieved. These solutions used AI and ML to deal with the complicated tasks like invoice matching, fraud detection, and compliance, ensuring the efficiency and accuracy of the AP operations were improved. 

The Role of Human Engagement in Automation: 

Although the automation technologies, such as RPA and intelligent automation, make AP processes simpler, the human factor still is very important. Through automation, AP teams can concentrate on the strategic operations resulting in improved vendor relationship management and financial analysis. Besides, automation boosts  work satisfaction and engagement by getting rid of the boring repetitive tasks and creating a culture of innovation. Through the fusion of automation and human talents, organizations can make AP operations more efficient  


Transitioning from RPA to Intelligent Automation: 

Though RPA was the starting point for AP automation, intelligent automation is the new direction in this process. Intelligent automation combined with AI and ML can handle the complex decision-making, adapt to changes over time, and  in the long run, the process accuracy and reliability can be improved. They also  use cognitive automation and AI integration to change the AP operations from task execution to problem-solving. The intelligent automation enables organizations to solve complex AP issues and open new possibilities for efficiency and innovation. 

The Power of AI and ML Integration: 

The combination of AI and ML into AP automation is the secret sauce to the  fields of efficiency and intelligence in the financial operations. The technology facilitate systems in the learning from data, the analysis of patterns, and the making of  informed decisions, which, in turn, result in the strategic value for the businesses. AI-based Intelligent automation tools solve payment timing, manage cash flow, and improve fraud detection, thus, leading to better decision-making processes and financial outcomes. With the use of AI and ML integration, the organizations can get more efficiency, accuracy and agility in their AP operations helping them stay ahead of the curve. 

Comparative Analysis: RPA vs. Comprehensive AP Automation: 

Although RPA was a first step in AP automation, a complete solution can provide a better strategy to overcome the AP problems. Compared to RPA, the comprehensive AP automation is based on AI, ML and cognitive automation which can work with unstructured data, be able to cope with a changing situation and thus to be able to bring the strategic value to the company. These solutions are very versatile, easy to expand and user-friendly, thus, they can be used for the current business requirements.  

Unlocking Strategic Value with Intelligent Automation: 

The organizations that are trying to move from RPA to intelligent automation, solutions like Cherrywork provide a road map to achieve the maximum efficiency and strategic value in AP operations. Through the use of new AI and ML technologies, Cherrywork allows the organizations to make the processes simpler, to make better decisions, and to achieve  higher efficiency in their AP operations. 


The transition from RPA to intelligent automation is a major change in AP automation which gives organizations the chances to increase efficiency and reveal the strategic value. Through the knowledge of the shortcomings of RPA and the acceptance of other comprehensive automation solutions such as Cherrywork, organizations can make this transition smoothly and gain the power of the intelligent automation in their AP operations. By using the right technology partner and a strategic approach to the automation, organizations can attain operational excellence and lead to innovation in the digital age, thus, they can place themselves on the path of success in the ever-changing business world. 


Cherrywork AP Automation uses document intelligence for invoice automation that optimizes invoice processing, reduces manual effort, and improves accuracy, efficiency, and compliance in financial operations.

Would you like to do the same for your organization? If yes, then reach out to us at

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