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Procure to Pay (P2P) Innovation Odyssey

Navigating the future of procure to pay

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Join us for an exciting event focusing on unlocking the full potential of your P2P processes within the SAP ecosystem. Our theme, Navigation and Exploration, positions P2P as a strategic compass guiding enterprises toward unparalleled success. Sessions will cover various aspects of Procurement & Supply Chain, discussing innovation, strategies, and technology showcases. The event will also include a panel discussion, providing valuable insights into the evolving landscape of procurement and supply chain management.

  • Discover innovative solutions with SAP & Incture, reshaping P2P dynamics.
  • Witness live demos of Cherrywork offerings, showcasing technology's impact on procurement.
  • Dive into automation, AI and sustainability in procurement.
  • Uncover how these advancements redefine efficiency and strategy.
  • Our Speaker !

    Ravikiran Papthimar
    Senior Director-Products & Technology

    Discover the power of our cutting-edge
    Procure to Pay solutions

    Intelligent spend analytics

    Provides real-time data analysis, customizable dashboards, supplier performance tracking, automated expense management, and budget tracking and forecasting

    Account Payable Automation

    • Leverages automation and advanced OCR technologies to streamline procurement processes, including purchase orders, approvals, and payments.

    Supplier Onboarding & Risk Management

    • Helps onboard suppliers more quickly and efficiently, assess and manage supplier risk, ensure compliance with regulations and standards, and work more effectively with their suppliers.

    Supplier Collaboration portal

    Enables to collaborate more effectively with suppliers, manage inventory more efficiently, track supplier performance, and improve overall supply chain performance.

    Intelligent savings management

    Optimizes procurement decisions, including demand forecasting, inventory management, and supplier selection.

    To Know More Please Click Here !

    Discover the power of our cutting-edge
    Procure to Pay solutions

    Event Agenda

    8:30 – 9:00 am
    Ice breaker (Light BF)
    9:15 – 9:30 am
    Ritesh Menon
    9:40 – 10:00 am
    Customer speaker
    10:00 – 10:15 am
    Tea Break
    10:20 – 10:50 am
    ABBY speaker
    11:00 – 11:30 am
    Round Table – Hyper-automation in Finance (Demo Showcase)
    Goran Rice
    11:30 am
    Networking and Lunch
    Register Now - Cherrywork Unboxed 2022

    Discover the power of our cutting-edge
    Procure to Pay solutions

    Event Agenda

    8:30 – 9:00 am
    Ice breaker (Light BF)
    9:15 – 9:30 am
    Ritesh Menon
    9:40 – 10:00 am
    Customer speaker
    10:00 – 10:15 am
    Tea Break
    10:20 – 10:50 am
    ABBY speaker
    11:00 – 11:30 am
    Round Table – Hyper-automation in Finance (Demo Showcase)
    Goran Rice
    11:30 am
    Networking and Lunch
    Register Now - Cherrywork Unboxed 2022

    Trusted by Leading Brands


    Revolutionize AP: Streamline, Simplify, and Supercharge Finances!

    Organizations struggle with time consuming invoice extraction, manual data entry errors, missing invoices, error prone matching, lack of visibility and inconsistent approval workflows in their AP processes. These challenges impact businesses in a variety of problems, including late payments, strained vendor relationships, and increased processing expenses.

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    Intelligent Task Management

